
What are defenses to expedited removal?

VICTORIA BARR Immigration Lawyer There are very limited defenses available to issuance of an expedited removal order. They are as follows: A foreign national cannot be subject to an expedited removal if that person was lawfully admitted or paroled into the United States. A person with a valid claim to status as a lawful permanent […]

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What is expedited removal?

Victoria Barr Removal Defense Attorney Administrative removal under 8 USC §1228(b), also known as expedited removal, is a procedure for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to remove an individual without a hearing before an immigration judge (IJ). As the name reveals, the order and the removal itself happen quickly. A foreign national’s rights in

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Ciudadanías por naturalización: por qué están en la mira del gobierno

Existe una oficina que se dedica específicamente a estos casos, donde se sospecha que hubo fraude. El gobierno de Estados Unidos ha redoblado sus esfuerzos para investigar miles de ciudadanías logradas por medio de la naturalización en las que se sospecha hubo fraude. Te contamos de qué se trata y a quiénes afecta. Si bien

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¿Cómo puede comprobar ciudadanía hijo de padres estadounidenses?

Yo obtuve la ciudadanía estadounidense a través de mis padres cuando se naturalizaron. Estaban casados y yo tenía 12 años. Tenía mi certificado de ciudadanía pero ahora no lo encuentro. ¿Debo tramitar uno nuevo, o puedo demostrar mi ciudadanía de otra forma? Saque el pasaporte de Estados Unidos; es mucho menos caro que el certificado

¿Cómo puede comprobar ciudadanía hijo de padres estadounidenses? Read More »

DACA: Juez determina que debe reanudarse Acción Diferida

Juez otorga 20 días a la administración de Donald Trump para apelar Washington — Un juez federal de Estados Unidos reafirmó su fallo de que el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump debe reanudar el DACA, un programa de deportaciones diferidas para quienes llegaron de niños al país. La decisión del viernes no tiene efecto inmediato porque

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Inside a former Walmart in Brownsville that holds nearly 1,500 immigrant boys h

Inside a former Walmart in Brownsville that holds nearly 1,500 immigrant boys On Wednesday, federal authorities allowed a small group of reporters to tour the secretive shelter, the largest of its kind in the nation. BY MICHAEL E. MILLER, EMMA BROWN AND AARON C. DAVIS, THE WASHINGTON POST JUNE 14, 2018  BROWNSVILLE — For more than a

Inside a former Walmart in Brownsville that holds nearly 1,500 immigrant boys h Read More »


The words “bail” and “bond” are often used interchangeably around the Collin County Courthouse, and for the most part the distinction doesn’t matter. Technically, bail is the amount of money the accused must deposit with the Collin County Sheriff to be released from jail, while bonds are actually bails paid by bail bond companies. Either way, we are talking about getting


Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Arrested in Dallas and Collin Counties

Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Arrested in Dallas and Collin Counties By Bo Kalabus www.rosenthalwadas.com; [email protected] 24-hour Jail Release: 214-402-4364 1) Talking Usually immediately following an arrest comes an investigation. Remember always that a person charged with a crime has the right to remain silent. Giving an investigator details about the alleged crime may

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